kingdom come deliverance game undressed

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What is kingdom come deliverance game undressed?

kingdom come deliverance game undressed Details



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Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Undressed

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a popular open-world RPG that takes place in a realistic medieval setting. In this game, players take on the role of Henry, a blacksmith’s son who finds himself thrust into a world of political intrigue, war, and revenge. One of the game’s standout features is its attention to historical accuracy, with detailed recreations of 15th century Bohemia.

The Undressed Mod

One of the reasons why Kingdom Come Deliverance has remained popular since its release is the modding community that continues to create new and exciting content for the game. One such mod is the Undressed mod, which allows players to remove the clothing of NPCs in the game. While this may sound provocative, the mod actually serves a practical purpose for those looking to immerse themselves further in the world of Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Historical Accuracy

Despite the controversial nature of the Undressed mod, Kingdom Come Deliverance is known for its commitment to historical accuracy. The game’s developers went to great lengths to recreate the medieval world as authentically as possible, from the architecture to the clothing to the dialogue. This attention to detail has earned the game praise from history buffs and gamers alike.

Immersion and Realism

By allowing players to undress NPCs, the Undressed mod adds a new layer of immersion and realism to Kingdom Come Deliverance. Players can further customize their gaming experience by interacting with characters in a more intimate way, leading to deeper connections and more engaging storytelling. While some may see the mod as controversial, others appreciate the added depth it brings to the game.

Community Response

Since the release of the Undressed mod, the Kingdom Come Deliverance community has been divided. Some players have praised the mod for adding a new level of realism and immersion to the game, while others have criticized it for being unnecessary and potentially inappropriate. As with any mod, individual players have the choice to use it or not, depending on their personal preferences.


Kingdom Come Deliverance is a game that prides itself on historical accuracy and attention to detail. The Undressed mod, while controversial, adds a new layer of immersion and realism to the game for those who choose to use it. Ultimately, the decision to install the mod is up to the individual player, but it is clear that Kingdom Come Deliverance continues to inspire creativity and innovation within its dedicated community.

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